Whether you've come here on purpose, or landed here by mistake, I welcome you to my place on the web. Make yourself at home.
The menu above will take you where you want to be. Or, in the least, it will take you someplace. I can't guarantee you want to be there, but you might.
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Hmm... let's see... I am a lover of coffee (and once co-owned a local coffee shop), dark beer (the darker the better), red wine, and salted caramel whisky. My other drink of choice is water with ginger and hibiscus.
I am the youngest child of a librarian and a dreamer, both of whom taught me more than they realize.
I'm old enough to know better, but young enough to think I can still do anything, which occasionally serves to remind me I'm not as young as the inner me thinks I am. Doesn't matter. I'll do it anyway. Age is just a number. I refuse to acknowledge it or conform to what people think I should be at this age.
My heart belongs to the dogs. Specifically Australian Shepherds. You can read about them on my Farm Blog.
I've been creating since childhood: writing, painting, drawing, sculpting, photography... I have more muses than I can keep track of. In case you're wondering, no, that's not always a good thing.
I've worked as a pizza maker, stable hand, dog trainer, pinstriper, freelance designer, ad
agency account coordinator and designer, pre-K teacher, after school art specialist, manufacturing technician, barista, pet photographer and countless other things. Variety is, after all, the spice of life.
I embrace change.
I believe in following your passions, even if you have to split time with something else. If you can't do what makes you happy, life is a sad, dull place.
I create to inspire, entertain, provide wonder, capture moments and essences, give form and substance to random thoughts, ideas, and emotions. Mostly I create because if I don't I am a miserable, angry person. Feed your soul, people!
I have a sometimes dark, mostly dry, sense of humor laced with heavy sarcasm and wit. This is something not always appreciated by others. That's okay.
I am not PC and probably never will be. Grow a tough hide and develop a sense of humor, folks. Life is not fair. It can be ugly. People can be shits. Find your tribe. Love them fiercely. Protect them fiercely. You'll get through it.

You can use this form to get in touch with K. L. for any reason that doesn't involve trying to sell her something, or asking her to read your manuscript. K. L. tries to reply to all non-spammy mail, but time spent answering email is time she can't be writing, so answers may take a while.